Sunday, July 4, 2010


What a beautiful way to land on Maui! Wow!

So we are here. Safe and sound. Our flights were uneventful and pleasant. We encountered some strong winds about 20 minutes from Maui (25 mph) and it did feel a bit like a roller coaster. Of course most folks enjoyed it, but not the two sitting in 39A and 39B! No sir!

Anyway, it was(and is) uplifting to breath in the salt, tropical flowers, fish and land. There just isn't anything least not to us.

The only disappointing factor thus far is that our favorite restaurant at the Hyatt, The Cascades, is closed for renovation (remember that one Reb and Josh?). It had the most awesome food! Boooooo! But I think we will survive.

We are all checked in, have full bellies and are ready for some snoozing to the sweet lullaby of the ocean surf.

 So here are a few photos from the day (taken with the 'ole point and shoot). Enjoy and I will post more tomorrow (or today......or whatever it is).

Dallas Airport
Mauna Kea/Mauna Loa
Sunset - Day 1

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